BlueScreenView for Windows

Rate: 3.33/5 votes - 6
License: Freeware
Version: 1.55 | Report about update
OS: Windows 7 and higher
Interface: English
Categories: other
Downloads (today/total): 8 / 12 768 | Statistics
Size: 83 Kb

BlueScreenView is a small free utility that scans all crash memory dump files and displays information about all crashes in a summary table. For each crash a lot of useful information is provided, such as dump file name, date/time of crash, basic information displayed during BSOD and information about the driver/module that caused the crash.

The program also allows you to view a list of loaded drivers, which marks those drivers that were found in the minidump stack, allowing you to locate the driver that caused the critical error.

Key features:

  • Finding out the cause of the system failure.
  • Displaying detailed information about the error.
  • Displaying data about the drivers.
  • Exporting information into a file saved in TXT, HTML, HTM, XML, CSV formats.
  • Search for information in the Internet by means of ready-made templates.
  • Drag and drop support.
  • Command line support.


What's new in BlueScreenView 1.55?
  • Added Drag & Drop support: You can now drag a single MiniDump file from Explorer into the main window of BlueScreenView.
  • Fixed bug: BlueScreenView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
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